Wednesday, March 25, 2009

E Commerence and Communities part 2 WITH EVEN MORE FLAIR!

Yes the chart below is labeled Generations online but I wanted to use it to illustrate that communities are using the internet to use it for commerce largely. One of Brey's main positives of using the internet is the fact that it can open up commerce. Now in this chart here is shows in one of the slides that regardless of generation most people use the internet for either buying something, booking a trip, or doing research online about a specific product. This can really lead back to a community because it means that communities can extend their own economies by going on online. Maybe you are in a small town with a unique product or service and want to expand but really don't have the resources to do so, that where the internet can come into play. It takes realitivly little resources to open up an online store and really jump into the open market unlike ever before. And like stated with the Facebook reading about networking across boarders, this can really allow for commerce across boarders. Some people have concerns over the fact that the internet can kill the little guy because of amazon and such but i believe the little guy in the communities can utilize this tool to the fullest potential. Another Pew Online Study shows that 8 out of 10 people go online to research a product or service (Article 'Americas Online Pursuit'). In the same 2003 study online auction participants doubled from 2000-2003 . Also in 2003 the number of people buying stuff online jumped 63% since the turn of the decade. Now with the internet being even more widespread now 5 to 6 years later you can image the number of people who could be looking at your product/service. Do you think the online market place can help or hinder the 'little guy'

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